Coming from 16 years as a front-line corporate marketing writer (and a Hollywood actor/writer before that), I have discovered that all the tools in the world are only as good as the story you tell. That applies to the movies AND websites.
My service has an edge over many other providers because of my experience and ability as a writer and visual storyteller. The tools on website builders like Wix, SquareSpace have never been better. Where you once paid a lot just to get some wheels onto the information superhighway, now those tools help you (or me) create a fantastic looking Cadillac site for a lot less.
Your website tells your story
Let's create a website that expresses you or your brand

Coming from 16 years as a front-line corporate marketing writer (and a Hollywood actor/writer before that), I have discovered that all the tools in the world are only as good as the story you tell. That applies to the movies AND websites.
My service has an edge over many other providers because of my experience and ability as a writer and visual storyteller. The tools on website builders like Wix, SquareSpace have never been better. Where you once paid a lot just to get some wheels onto the information superhighway, now those tools help you (or me) create a fantastic looking Cadillac site for a lot less.
For $650 Your site ready to go
A good version of your site ready to publish*
(limitations apply) -
Help telling or refining your story
Crash course in Wix so you can expand
and manage it yourself. I can work with other website platforms if you need. -
One-week turnaround is possible at this rate, depending on size and complexity. Quicker than that requires a premium of $200 to $400.
For $100/month Regular updates
Monthly updates (billed semi-annually) you don't want to be bothered with, ongoing improvement, copy writing support, adding up to about an hour.
For $150/hour More of any of these
By-the-hour support includes the above services PLUS if you want more in-depth copy writing and strategy support.
*Does not include additional costs for Wix membership and/or domain and management fees.

Club Jamison
If I work on your website, you earn a place in my family of websites.